New job? New rules! 4 don'ts when entering a new workplace

New job new rules: 4 don'ts when entering a new workplace - the mobile spoon
Some things should not happen in a new workplace... 

Entering a new workplace is a professional challenge, but it's also a tough social exercise. 

Here are a few things you should NOT do in the first few weeks on the job:  

1. Don't share your thoughts with anyone

Keep a low profile. 

Even if you see problems right away and want to jump in and fix them, try to keep your thoughts to yourself. Your coworkers may have been dealing with these issues for a while now, and don't need the opinion of an outsider who has yet to be there to understand the whole context. 

Talking too soon will make you sound arrogant and make a bad first impression. So shut up. 

Life tip: before you speak up, make sure you know the topic, know the audience and have something meaningful to say. 

That's right, and as a new member, you probably don't know enough about the topic, don't know who you're talking to, and might say something stupid...

So instead of speaking up, write down your thoughts because it's going to be hard to replicate them later. Write the good things you see, the bad things, and the missing things - those insights will become valuable in later stages. 

Check out these posts: 

2. Do not make friends too soon

Keep a distance! 

Most people will tell you to make friends as quickly as possible because it will make you feel better, but this is your career we're talking about and not a social game. 

Be cautious. The first people to invite you to socialize or grab coffee might not be the right people to become friends with. 

Remember that first impression counts, and you don't want to be seen with the losers or poor performers, so take the time to observe the organizational dynamics, and avoid actions that could jeopardize your professional position

3. Do not volunteer to do tasks that are below your pay grade

OK, this turned out a bit too harsh... let me explain: 

You're the new person in that meeting where everyone is too busy being productive, while you are still doing your lame onboarding sessions and dying to contribute and feel productive. 

So you're tempted to volunteer for some little tasks no one has time to do, such as proofreading or polishing presentations.  

But before you know it, you'll be knee-deep in documents, presentations, and whatnot, and guess what? you're the proofreader now, and that's not what you're getting paid for. 

So as bad as it sounds - be careful what you volunteer for. 

Trust me, you (and your new workplace) will thank me later.

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4. Stay away from negative vibes 

Sure it's juicy to hear gossip, but you're here to work and make a positive impact. 

Your first few weeks in a new place will be a time to do observations and adjust accordingly, but it's also important to keep positive energy around you. Gossip and complaining sessions will not help your transition, so just stay away from them.

And there you have it. Straightforward advice without sugarcoating. 

Remember, first impression counts, so stay away from unneeded risks and avoid making those basic mistakes so many people make. Put the time into learning so you can be productive and make a real difference.

Good luck!

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Gil Bouhnick The Mobile Spoon
Anonymous said…
I enjoyed reading this :-)